The status of RPG Ambience in 2014
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At this point, RPG Ambience is fairly complete for the features that it offers. While there are several tweaks to be made to the current version, it is fully functional; I’ve used the current set of features in all of my games for the last few months without major problems.
Even then, there are features planned that haven’t yet been implemented, such as scripting and animations. At this point, further development of RPG Ambience will be unpredictable and likely slow because I’m both working and writing my master’s thesis this semester. In all likelihood, this means that major tweaks or new features will be on hold for at least half a year.
That being said, some development is still possible. In particular, smaller changes or additions that are of considerable value could be added, especially if specific requests are made. An example of such a feature is crossfading, which was requested by a user and eventually implemented with relatively little work. If you have suggestions for features like this that would make RPG Ambience more valuable to you, do not hesitate to send an email or post an issue.
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